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Property management & Consulting

About Us

Sabine Mutsaerts-Wortelboer

A graduate of the ’Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne’, binational Dutch and Swiss, Sabine has lived almost half of her life abroad including in The Netherlands, Paris and Singapore. Numerous relocations and a need to “feel at home” have undoubtedly contributed to her passion for real estate, interior/exterior design and project management.
As a result of her scientific studies, service oriented background and various professional positions in the luxury industry including at Piaget (Richemont Group), Christie’s and Finest Properties, Sabine has a spontaneous personality and rigour that have earned her a demanding clientele.



● Establishes a valuation of your property

● Informs you of the legal aspects of purchases and sales, the various judicial structures related to residential ownership, tax implications and related financing options

● Mandate to identify and sell residential properties

● Manages your property during your absence


● Manages and oversees renovations including coordinating the construction site, budget and the respect of deadlines with the support of architects when necessary

● Assists clients who relocate in the region with property research, schools and all practical plus administrative procedures

Geneva & Verbier, Switzerland



Sabine Mutsaerts-Wortelboer
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